11th Sept 2014: chemo ‘no show’ again

“C’mon Chemo, you are supposed to be my new best friend?”

Unfortunately today was another ‘no go’ on the chemo as once again my white blood count is too low to continue.

I have now resided myself to the fact that the ‘control’ I thought I had is now no more. Whilst I can’t deny that I am disappointed, thats fine and I will just accept it. My focus now will be on what I CAN control and not what I can’t.

I have been told that I just need to keep up my current diet and it should ‘come good’ in the end. Also I have been assured that there is no problem with some running provided I don’t push it…..which I am definitely not.

The plan now is to leave it until Monday when I will go back for ‘3rd time lucky’!….I think I will cross a few toes as well as the fingers this time:)

One Reply to “11th Sept 2014: chemo ‘no show’ again”

  1. Fingers, toes, legs, arms all crossed for you for Monday. Your body is doing an amazing job, I’m sure. As a fellow control freak I so get what you are saying and having to listen to your body rather than your mind must be tough. Lets hope Monday brings the news you want and a relaxing weekend with the family gets those whites excited.

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