Second half of chemo now well underway with a green light just given on cycle number 7!.
I had the followup CT scan yesterday and will now cross my fingers and wait. All will become clear next Wednesday at the next oncologist appointment.
I am really now starting to feel like the end is getting closer and that once Xmas is passed, then it will be over before I know it:-).
Another 100k of running clocked up over the past 2 weeks with the side effects remaining manageable (double gloving and socking is now ‘the norm’!). Certainly I am feeling more tired than before, but this tends to be in the week of treatment and then ‘comes back’ in the second week. I also had a couple of days this week where I didn’t need to put a dressing on my backside which was a bonus:-)…It is certainly not getting any worse ‘down there’, but still I think it will be ‘post chemo’ when the real healing process kicks in. It isn’t stopping me from doing anything at the moment so no problem.
I have been in regular contact with the ‘beating bowel cancer’ team over the past few weeks and am really looking forward to meeting with them later in December when I plan to visit their offices in London. Hopefully as a result of this I can help raising their profile further. The charity fund raising has been going well and now stands at £4,169.84!…still not quite reached the target but hopefully it that will happen soon. I have also now had confirmation of my place at the Berlin marathon next year which I am really looking forward to…bring it on!!.
Update to follow next Wednesday……
Cheering news, Tom and what good times for your recent runs. If you can do that now, what will you do when you are back to full strength? !
Love as always to you and yours. xx