21st Aug 2014: port-a-cath in!

I am all ‘hooked up’ and ready to go!.

So this afternoon I had my port-a-cath fitted ready for chemo to start next Tuesday. The procedure was done back in the Dunedin hospital (where I had the bowel surgery) and as I had hoped I bumped into some of the old faces again which was great!. They were all as friendly as I remember, and were keen to catch up with me to find out how I was doing. I explained that I had undergone another surgery down in Basingstoke since. Mark, one of the doctors wanted to know how my running was going….I told him that I had managed a couple of light ones, but that as I wasn’t fully recovered from the 1st surgery I was taking it easy for now and will get cracking again once chemo starts.

I am really glad that my chemo treatments will all be done at Dunedin as well…once again a ‘top team’ to look after me.

Serena, one of the chemo nurses introduced herself to me today…straight away I really liked her. She has a real ‘can do’ attitude and has told me she thinks with the right focus I will be fine…let’s hope she is right.

I also heard back from runners world yesterday and they liked the piece I sent onto them which is great to know. My contact there, Annie, said she just needs to run past the editor and will then let me know when it goes live.

With the port-a-cath apparently taking around 7-10 days to heal up I am figuring that in that time my wound will have fully sorted itself out as well….that will be my ‘green light’ to get the trainers back on again!..can’t wait!. It will also coincide with the start of ‘week 2’ of chemo which is apparently when I will feel at my best.

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